
Flower Flip comments

This page is for comments on the kickstarter page for Flower Flip. I thought it might be helpful to have a place for discussion.

Comments posted here are public, and please don't post any personal information. Using your first name as handle is OK (but not required).
If you prefer, you can alternatively email me (lysisgames@googlemail.com)


posting by anonymous Thursday 15 March 2018

Overall it looks great. Really impressed. Possible suggestions, all of which are my personal subjective opinion. Personally I’m unsure whether marketing it as a game designed by you and your child is the best way to go - might look like you are doing it more as a kids project than as a serious attempt to release a game? I’m unsure though - maybe some people would like this. Hard to say. It doesn’t work for me, but then I’m not really the target market for this game. The pricing feels inconsistent - yes the average price per deck comes down as you order more, but why does the third deck cost 8 when the second was only 6? The pie charts I don’t recall seeing in a kickstarter before. Do they raise more questions than they answer? Eg what is the buffer? Is it just extra profit for you if you don’t need it? Typos “we’ve” end of first paragraph after financial breakdown, Missing ‘a’ first sentence after how did we get here. Stuff about CE mark seems extraneous (Appreciate that as the designer you need to worry about this stuff, but do the backers want to know about it? Don’t know? Are you legally obliged to tell them? Again don’t know.) Hope that’s some useful constructive feedback. Overall though as I said it looks fantastic, great bit of work.

posting by Lysis (site owner) Friday 16 March 2018

Wow, that's all really useful - thanks!

I see what you're saying about marketing it, but it's not really intentional. It's kind of a consequence of wanting to give a fair share of the designer-credit for her contribution, and keep her involved. She was happy to do the voice-over for the video, and I think probably sounds better than I would have. To be honest I'm not sure what I can do to mitigate that overall feeling. I'm going to add a few lines about testing and a short 'gameplay' section.

The cost of postage is the driver for the difference in costs between deck levels. It actually doesn't go up at all for the second deck, but then increases significantly for the third and fourth. (I've added something to that effect to the description.)

The 'buffer' is a bit hard to describe, so I kind of glossed over it. It's not profit, but it's where profit would come from if various more-or-less unlikely things all occurred. It's meant to protect against currency fluctuations or other printing cost changes, cover postage of second copies when the first doesn't arrive, unexpected costs and so on. In the event of nothing bad occurring, /and/ over-funding to the point where the print-run I calculated costs at all sold through immediately, it would be pre-tax profit. Well, if the 'fixed costs' covered everything I spent money on, which it might not. Since it's such a can of worms I think I'll leave that unless someone kicks up a fuss, or I come up with a good description.


posting by Lysis (site owner) Friday 16 March 2018

I've seen a few kickstarter projects with cost breakdowns. Perhaps none recently; perhaps they've fallen out of favour. Maybe they are more trouble than they're worth, putting potential backers off - but if I remember correctly the kickstarter help articles did recommend giving a breakdown.

Typos - well found.

I had to look again to see where I'd mentioned the CE testing. I think it's something many projects on kickstarter don't bother with, but given the child-friendly nature of the game, and since I spent some time and money on, I wanted to reassure potential customers that safety wasn't an issue.

Thanks again - that was very helpful, I appreciate it.

posting by anonymous Thursday 18 August 2022

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Best Wishes,

flowerflip - Flower Flip comments

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