Lysis blog

15th August 2015

Rediscovery of some unreleased games

Okay, there has undeniably been a long gap in my article and game output. An annoying congruence of independent events made it difficult (although not impossible) to work on my flash games.
So I have more than enough other activities which keep me occupied, and perhaps I should have been posting on here about those - but what I found most disappointing is that I had several games which were approximately ready-to go, but unreleased.

However, I recently discovered a cache of files which seem to be in a state where it's reasonable for me to put up on here, without (much) additional fiddling. So here is the first of them : Minute Passage.

Minute Passage

So what is this game about then?

As usual it seems with my games, the title is a pun. In this case both readings are true.
I should explicitly state up-front that this isn't the deepest, most original or beautiful game ever - it's really just a mouse avoider.
However, it does have a couple of interesting features, and I think it provides a little competitive challenge. And it does have a persistent global high score table system. I would like to encourage everyone who makes it to the end to submit their score as often as they like.

Please let me know if you experience problems with submitting your score - I think it's working now, but I had to rejig the server-side code because the software has changed in the mean-time.

I should also say that I think there's a bug which speeds up the clock once you've completed the game.
I may try to fix this at some point (say below or email in private if you'd appreciate that) - but the workaround for now is to reload the page after submitting your score.

Things I like about this game in particular : I think the incongruous sound effects are hilarious. The ghost image was retro-fitted, and I think explains the nature of the hazard well. I am also happy with the angry FAIC puzzle at the end, even if it is very simple. I also like the blue fading background effect which nobody notices - if memory serves it was done programmatically, because I used to do mad stuff to keep filesize down.

Tips : try not to be too obsessive about collecting the pearls until you can semi-reliably get to the end - they're worth nothing if you fail.

I'll be pushing out the other games fairly soon, I hope - and they're much more exciting. But in the mean-time, have fun.

Go play Minute Passage now!



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