Lysis blog

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posting by anonymous Friday 25 October 2024
in The importance of feedback
posting by anonymous Saturday 11 January 2025
in The importance of feedback
posting by anonymous Wednesday 19 February 2025
in The importance of feedback

Gravity Lander

4th May 2016
A surprisingly rare variation on the lander game.
Read article.

Ghost Writer

20th Sept 2015
A maze-based game, with typing for control.
Read article.

The minute passage

15th Aug 2015
The start of something wonderful...
Read article.

Fly Away Home

15th Feb 2014
Something of a delay, but here's a game
Read article.

Cube Turpin

3rd August 2013
About a game you can now play here
Read article.

Turing Turns, hand-crafted design and combinatorial limits

1st December 2012
New game bragging, and musings on how puzzles work
Read article.

New games

11th October 2012
A new game, for your delection.
This one may totally do your head in; it's a real brain-twister.
Play 1D.

I realise now that I didn't mention putting up the previous two games, which is a pity, because... well, they're also awesome.

Play Magic Layers - an innovative puzzle

Play Artistic Differences - moving spot-the-differences

Filter Logic 3 : movement

6th May 2012
How to move gameplay objects within a graphic filter.
Read article.

Filter Logic 2 : sprites

31st March 2012
An introduction to using graphic filters to display tiled bitmaps.
Read article.

Filter Logic 1

7th March 2012
The first in a series of articles about using graphics filters for game logic.
Read article.

2012 Year of the dragon

23rd Jan 2012
When you've played a lot of games, it's not surprising when you start to see parallels in the real world.
Read article.

On the importance of Feedback

27th Nov 2011
Feedback - giving information to the player about state changes - is essential for games. But how explicit should it be?
Read article.

Website improvements

28th Oct 2011
I've updated the website - read about it here.
Includes information on how to get around the loss of Google's rotating colour palette facility for adverts.
Read article.

Keyhole Challenge!

The Keyhole challenge series - the development of a tiny game

An apology and demo

12th September 2011 : Part seven
After a long break, see how far I got.
Read article.


26th December 2010 : Part six
The photography idea wasn't going to pull its weight in this game. What shall I do instead?
Read article.


28th November 2010 : Part five
Distant background - an interesting discovery prevents my game becoming a confusing mess.
Read article.

An organic world : Foreground

21st November 2010 : Part four
Another cosmetic development - foreground objects integrate the character into the world.
Read article.

Managing repetitiveness

14th November 2010 : Part three
How I'm creating an interesting world without obvious repeating textures.
Read article.

World design

7th November 2010 : Part two
Some thoughts on how the structure of a gameworld can be optimal for the intended gameplay. Also, how I arrived at the player vs environment collision model, and a first demo.
Read article.

Small resolutions

30th October 2010
The first of a series of articles on developing a game - my general approach to game development, and the concepts behind this one. Also lays down the gauntlet to other game developers with the Keyhole Challenge.
Read article.


6th October 2010
Sorry for not putting up any new content for a while. Apart from a couple of articles I thought better of, I've been mainly working on a new and exciting project.
Licencing stuff is a pain!

Preventing walkthroughs

18th July 2010
Many online puzzle games have a walkthrough created within hours of the game's release. Here I discuss why this is a bad thing and how to prevent it.
Read article.

Minimising subjective download time (part 2)

19th June 2010
It's almost been a month already, so here is the concluding article about how to make starting up your game feel quicker.
Read article.

Minimising subjective download time (part 1)

22nd May 2010
If optimising to reduce the size (and hence loading delay) of your game has reached limiting returns, what else can you do?
The first of a pair of articles about how to make starting up your game feel quicker.
Read article.

A new comment system

8th May 2010
All blogs 'ought' to allow comments, but up to now mine has not.
I figured that these were my options:

  1. Don't allow comments at all;
  2. use standard accounts;
  3. keep comments entirely anonymous, or
  4. do something a bit clever.

Option (1) is boring, (2) needs a database for the accounts and (3) would negate any chance of a community, so of course I went with the last option.
Read more >

The Dimensionality of Gaming

24th April 2010
Well ahead of schedule, an article.
I consider the variation in player choice - how linear a game is - at different levels.
Read article.


10th April 2010
Welcome to my not-quite-a blog. It's not quite a blog because I'm building it manually, and reserve the right to edit things after posting. Mostly it'll be articles about gameplay, short description of my games, or perhaps something about what I'm developing at the time. I might link in other games I like, or something else random - you'll just have to see if you like it.
The plan is to try and post something at least once a month, or more often if possible. But don't hold me to that. I've migrated some old stuff across to this format; they're not in chronological order but it makes sense to keep them.

Heath Robinson-style bridge building exercise

A walkthrough of FGW Bridge, a game by Wayne Marsh.
Well, I say walkthrough, but it isn't necessarily the quickest way of doing it.

a feathery cloud Plasma effect generating tool

Another non-game thing. This is a tool for creating images of clouds, wood textures and other plasma-based effects.
If you've been wondering about the backgrounds in many of my games have a play with this.

Archive 1: Descriptions of my older games :
Silver Lining, Distortion Factor, Rocket Racers, Big Fish, Piu Piu, Mathsspin, Get Greg, Maxwell

Contact me.

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